
Showing posts from 2013

BBQ Beef or Pork Sandwiches

4 lb pork roast or chuck roast 1 bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce 2 pkg hamburger buns 1. Place roast in crock pot and cook on low for 8 hours. 2.  Remove roast from crock pot when tender and falls apart.  Shred it removing any fat and discarding extra liquid. 3.  Return to crock pot.  Stir in BBQ sauce and let it cook another hour on low just to heat it back up.

Chicken Taco Meat

1 (3 lb) bag frozen chicken breasts 2 cans Rotel 1 envelope taco seasoning tortilla shells or taco shells or tortilla chips 1.  Place first 3 ingredients in the crock pot and cook on low for 6-8 hours.  2.  Shred chicken breasts and return to crock pot. 3.  Serve in tortilla shells, taco shells, or on top of tortilla chips for taco salad.  My favorite is as taco salad because I love to use the yummy juices this makes.  Just add your favorite taco salad toppings.  If you are using it for tacos, you will want to use a slotted spoon to drain off excess juice when serving. Serves 6.  I have to double this recipe for our family.

Crock Pot Ham n' Beans

2 lb bag of northern beans or pinto beans a ham hock (or the bone left from your Christmas or Thanksgiving ham) water 1 onion 1 T. cumin 1 t. salt 1. Rinse beans and sort out any bad ones.  Place beans in bottom of the crock pot. 2.  Cover with 2 or 3 inches of water. 3.  Add chopped onion, ham bone, cumin, and salt.  Stir. 4.  Cook on high 6-8 hours.  You may need to check it throughout the day and add water.  (If you will be gone, put extra water in the pot.  You don't want to run out of liquid as the beans soak it up.  There is nothing worse then the smell of burnt beans.)  5.  Remove any bone or fat from the ham bone leaving the meat in the bean soup. 6.  Serve with hot cornbread.

Supper is in the Crock Pot

I am using my crock pot a lot these days.  Actually I should say crock pots.  It often takes two crock pots to feed our big family.  With older children having activities to attend and little ones who can make the time frame needed to fix supper much longer, I had to make meal planning a simpler process.  I thought I'd share some of our new favorite recipes with you. Crock Pot Pork Tacos 1 4 lb pork roast 1 (1 1/4 oz.) envelope of your favorite taco seasoning 1 (15 oz.) can refried beans 2 cups shredded cheese (any type you prefer) 2 pkg. tortilla shells (soft taco shells) 1. Place pork in crock pot.  Sprinkle 1/2 the taco seasoning on meat. 2.  Smear refried beans on pork.  Then sprinkle on rest of the taco seasoning. 3.  Cook on low for 8 hours. 4.  When done, shred roast.  Stir in cheese and serve mixture wrapped in soft taco shells. Serves 10-12. This is simple and tastes delicious.  I've actually stretched the meat a little further in this recipe by addin

A Moment in Time

There are those moments that make all the pain and struggles worthwhile.     I've often looked at my relationship with Troy and wondered what I should have done different.  That first year was so tough.  I stepped back and gave him room to work through his anger.  He rejected me and my love, and I truly thought if I gave him time he would see that I did love him and he could trust me. Maybe I got used to the space.  Perhaps I didn't know when was the right time to start reaching out more.  Honestly, things got to the point where I resented the struggles we faced.  As time went by, I began to think he'd had enough time to heal, and I harbored some anger. This past summer God convicted me of an unforgiving attitude through some words aptly spoken by a friend.  Repentance is healing.  Tears are cleansing.  Forgiveness is freeing. I've been working on changing.  It is hard.  There have been noticeable changes in our relationship though.  More times of enjoying each


Soft little arms wrap around my waist Sparkly brown eyes gaze up into mine Through a happy smile Little Girl says, "I'm glad you're my mommy." A beautiful gift-- In four short months we've gone from strangers to mother and daughter. Baby Boy attached quickly I am who he wants for comfort He comes to me for love. We snuggle and cuddle We laugh and giggle we've gone from strangers to mother and son Thanks be to God, the giver of all good things! We have two more blessings to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

I Was Wrong

Those three words are hard to say.  I hate admitting it when I am in the wrong.  It's a pride issue.  I finally broke down and bought a book that many adoptive families have recommended to me over the past seven years.  As I've analyzed why I didn't read it sooner, it really boiled down to I thought I was doing fine without it .  There is that pride popping up again. Now as I am reading the book, I keep thinking, "This would have been great to know and understand a few years ago."  I have no one to blame but myself though.  I can make excuses and say, "I was too busy."  However, I've probably read one hundred other books in the past couple years.  Seriously, I have.  I love to read.  I can say, "I didn't have the money to buy it."   Perhaps not, but with some prioritizing I could have found the money.  There was money spent on frivolous items that would have been better spent buying this book. Fear was also a factor.  I tend to

Seeing Jesus

Each evening when we tuck Little Girl in bed, we read her a Bible story.  Last night was the story of Christ's resurrection.  As I read about Jesus appearing to Mary and to the disciples, I could feel Little Girl's excitement as she lay beside me on the bed.  When I finished the story she said, "I want to see my Jesus too." We cuddled on the bed as I explained to her that she would be able to see Jesus some day.  She said, "But I want to see my Jesus now."  So then we talked about how we can see Jesus now.  We see him in the beautiful fall leaves outside.  We see him in a sunset.  We see him in people who love us.  I don't know if Little Girl understood all that.  Her longing is to visually see Jesus.  She wants to know what he looks like.  Awww...sweet girl, if only everyone had that great longing to see Jesus.  "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are!  The re


One night as Little Girl was getting undressed for her bath she spotted the bathroom scales.  She got on them and then excitedly said, "Momma, come see how much I cost." At breakfast one of our boys wasn't feeling the best.  I was asking him about his symptoms.  Finally, I said, "Maybe you have a little bug or something."  Little Girl pipes up and says, "Or maybe a cricket." Baby Boy is always relieved when I lay him in his bed for his nap.  Often he immediately snuggles with his blanket and closes his eyes.  One afternoon he did this, and as he relaxed he suddenly tooted quite loudly.  His eyes popped open and he said, "Uh-Oh!" My husband is finding Bible class in the morning more challenging these days.  It is hard to keep everyone's attention when Baby Boy is being entertaining.  My husband turned to him sitting there one morning and said, "You are being a distraction."  Baby Boy immediately covered his face with both h

A Lack of Conscience

Sorting through a lot of issues right now.  Little Girl is going through various stages of adjustment.  At this point she seems to have stopped grieving for the loss of grandma in her life.  She has moved on to full-blown temper tantrums, direct defiance, and intentional disobedience. She has an intense need to be in control. This week I have worked hard at finding positive reinforcement for good behavior since time-out is about my only recourse in dealing with the misbehavior.  I bought some little sticker charts that have room on them for 25 stickers.  Each time she finishes one of her responsibilities without complaining and in a timely manner she gets to put a sticker on her chart.  Her responsibilities include making her bed, brushing her teeth, getting dressed, picking up after herself, and folding washcloths.  She also gets stickers for eating her meals without complaining and putting her dishes in the dishwasher.  After her chart is full which only takes 4 or 5 days if she ta

Three Months

We have slipped past what could be called the "honeymoon" period with Baby Boy and Little Girl.  The children are feeling comfortable which basically means all their true colors are coming out.  We haven't run into anything more then what you would expect for children their age. Baby Boy has become more persistent in getting into things.  The pack n' play has been set up downstairs, so that he can spend some time there from time to time.  Our older children affectionately call it "baby jail."  His protests have also become much louder in volume.  The restrictions in foster care for disciplining are frustrating at this point.  Baby Boy likes to reach up on the counter or even towards my stove top.  I am concerned for his safety.  Due to regulations, I can only use diversion, distraction, and removal. Little Girl is now trying out defiance with firm usage of the word "No" and full-blown temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way.  The tempe

Updating my Blog

I'm sending out a big thanks to my daughter, Kaytlin, for working hard to design a new header for my blog.  She also is doing some new design and layout work for me.  I love what she has done so far. It is hard for me to believe that this is Kaytlin's last year of high school.  I've watched her blossom into a beautiful Christian young lady that often amazes me with her depth and insight.  I'm excited about the plans that God has for her life and the things she will do in the future.  If you would like a sneak peak into her life check out her blogs.  Yes, she loves to write.  She is a girl after my own heart.  However, I would have to say she is much more talented then I in that area.  What she is writing at the age of 17 blows my mind.  In her blog We Are Windows she writes fiction stories, poetry, and devotional thoughts.  My personal favorite is an epic poem she wrote entitled Silver Tree and Crimson Flood . My contemplative thinker. Kaytlin is also our c


 It has been a hard week.  Little Girl has been in tears several times a day.  She misses her other grandma.  She even cried at preschool.  I feel at a loss on how to help. Tonight I tried to explain to her that she needed to be in a home where she could always be safe and loved.  I held her in my arms and stroked her sweet brown cheeks as the tears fell once again.    Those big brown eyes so sad looked up at me and questioned, "But I'll never see her again?"  Cradling her in my arms, we prayed together for God to take away the sadness and watch over her grandma.   It has now been two months since the children came to our home, and I think Little Girl's memories are fading.  She can't remember what grandma looked like.  It scares her.  The things familiar to her are slipping away. Little Girl is struggling with the same things many children who suffer loss deal with.  In trying to process her circumstances, she wonders if this all happened because she wa


As our family has been going through this time of transition, I have many friends I need to thank.  Our family could not do this without your support. The gift bag with diapers, pull-ups, a football shirt for Baby Boy, and Dora socks for Little Girl made us feel like you accepted our little ones as part of us. The meal brought over helped get us through another busy day and gave me a moment to catch up on some much needed tasks. The flowers and the card brightened my day.  It made me feel loved.  Sometimes my "love well" gets to feeling empty with so many I'm pouring my love into.  You refilled my "love well." The day out shopping and enjoying your friendship and adult time revived my spirits.  It gave me renewed energy to go on. The encouraging words in an e-mail assuring me that God had prepared me for this reassured me during a time of questions.   The hug and excitement you showed when we found out the kids were going to be able to stay with us m

Busy Boy

He is always on the move. He leaves a trail everywhere he goes.   Toys are only for dumping.   He prefers to work for his play.   He is happiest with a broom or a mop rag.  Baby Boy has brought much laughter to our home. A gorgeous smile. Lots of hugs and kisses. We can't seem to get enough of Busy Baby Boy. Latest update:  We had a case management meeting last week.  It is all clear for adoption of Little Girl and Baby Boy.  However, the children have to live in our home for six months before any papers can be signed.  So, we wait.  I'm so anxious to share with you pictures of their sweet faces, but that too will have to wait until they are officially ours.  In our hearts they already belong to us--Precious gifts from the Lord.

One month

It has been one month since Little Girl and Baby Boy came to be with us.  It doesn't seem possible.  So much has changed so quickly.  Parental rights were already terminated at the time of placement, but there was a birth connection that was a possible adoptive resource.  However, this family member did not turn in the required paperwork by the deadline, so our family is officially on track for adoption once again. We are excited.  We have fallen in love with these two little bodies so quickly.  Attachment has not seemed to be much of an issue for them or us. Baby Boy runs like mad everywhere he goes.  He usually has a big smile for everyone.  He loves to spin in circles and roll across the floor.  He is a picture of constant motion when he is awake.  Exuberance characterizes his every action.   He adapts easily and learns to follow directions quickly.  We've had a few temper tantrums, but they have not lasted long. Baby Boy attached quickly to me.  He is experiencing som

Beautiful Gifts

Brown little arms spontaneously hugging my neck, An ornery grin, A wet kiss planted smack on my mouth, All beautiful gifts after a day of chasing, picking up, and saying "no". Sweet little arms that are often wrapped around my neck. I am having to adjust to this new role.  Being momma to 18 month old Baby Boy wears me out.  We haven't had a toddler around the house for 10 years.  I had my last baby when I was 28.  Now I am 41.  A couple nights I have been so tired I cried. Baby Boy runs everywhere.  After holding him my body feels like I've been in a wrestling match.  He wiggles and does not hold still.  When he's tired though, he lets me cuddle and rock him.  That is a precious gift.  Baby Boy takes a two hour nap and sleeps from 8 p.m. until 7 a.m.  So God also blessed me with being able to get enough sleep. God continues to sustain.  Our children step in when I need them most.  My husband is there to hold me and encourage me.  Overall I am doin

Sharing Jesus

On the second day Little Girl was with us I sang to her "Jesus Loves Me" and told her how I used to sing it over and over to Amber when she was little and sad.  Little Girl really liked hearing that story.  She was feeling sad too.  I asked her if she had ever heard that song, and she said, "No." Night times are Little Girl's sad time.  She misses her Grandma then, and she misses her first foster mommy.  We started praying to God that he would help her not be sad.  Now we have to pray that every night at bedtime.  It is an important part of the bedtime ritual.  Two books, hugs and kisses, prayer time, and then listening to Your Story Hour Bible stories on CD makes for lots of distraction to keep the sad thoughts away. We also have started reading Bible stories a couple times a day.  Little Girl does not seem to know any of them.  Today as I was reading about creation Little Girl asked me, "Who is God?" My heart hurts that this precious Little Gir

Life with a Little

How quickly I've forgotten what life with a baby is like.  I woke up at 6:30 planning to sneak downstairs for my quiet time.  Baby Boy pops up in the crib.  I lay back down thinking just maybe he would go back to sleep.  Fifteen minutes later and no such luck.  He pops back up as soon as I move.  I give up at 7:00 and head downstairs with Baby Boy.  He's such a good little guy though.  He doesn't fuss when he wakes up.  He just waits for me to get up.  However, he is insistent on getting up once I'm up. So downstairs in the recliner I cuddle him and give him his breathing treatment.  As soon as that's done and the diaper is changed, he's off and playing.  I get out my Bible and start in on my Bible study.  I never did get a chance to finish today.  That's ok though.  God supplies all that I need even when our time gets short changed.  Right now I'm going through Beth Moore's study Believing God .  It has been such a blessing to me.  Each day God&

Changing Times

Life changes quickly sometimes.  A phone call last Thursday.  Agreement to take a foster care respite case for the weekend.  Case was for two children who will possibly be confirmed adoptive before long.  A four year old girl and 17 month old boy.  Enjoyed the little girl.  Loved rocking baby boy.  Could so easily fall in love. Children left Sunday.  Wake up Monday morning at 5:00 a.m.  Can't sleep.  Get up and pray.  So many questions.  Searched Scripture and prayed.  "Lord, I don't know what is best.  I don't know the future.  But I know the One who does.  Choosing to trust you." Phone rings.  9:00 a.m.  Need to move the children Wednesday.  Can you take them?  Unknown as to adoptive status until August 1. As of Wednesday we welcomed two sweet ones into our home.  Loving them as our own.  Praying for God's will for their lives and ours. How are we doing?  Good.  I've had a peace and calmness in my heart.  Our children have been helpful and loving

School Along the Way

When we started into our journey of home education, we thought long and hard about the purpose of our choice.  The verses that stood out to us were from Deuteronomy 11:18-21. "Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates,  so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land that the Lord swore to give your forefathers, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth."  NIV We wanted time to teach our children the ways of the Lord.  As they approached school age, we realized how much we still needed to teach them. When we contemplated sending them off to school, we saw very few hours left in the day for the family.  As the verse above so aptly implies, much of teaching h

From Dependence to Dependence

This is the graduation speech that Ryan delivered to his graduating class a year ago.  If any of you know our son, he is shy, reserved, and quiet.  Yet he stood up there in front of several hundred and delivered this speech.  It became utterly still in that gymnasium when he began talking about God at the end of his speech.  As his mother, I cried. God was taking my boy and making a man out of him.  Isn't that what parenting is all about?  We have to trust God with our feeble human efforts, and He then does His work. From Dependence to Dependence Graduation June of 2012 by Ryan Miller Today, the lines that have connected us to our parents are diminishing. We will no longer be completely reliant on our parents or guardians, but rather increasingly independent. I know that I and my fellow students have worked long and hard for this moment. It makes me tremble to think that we finally made it. For that reason, let me cut to the point. Photo from freedigitalphot

A Subject I've Avoided

Image's a subject that I've hesitated to address on my blog.  Why?  I guess mostly because I've been scared of a backlash.  I don't like to stir up controversy.  I am not an expert on the subject.  I don't have all  the answers, and many people will not agree with our decisions.     There was a time when I thought I had answers.  I was extremely opinionated.  That was my early days of homeschooling.  Then the days passed, life happened, and I found myself the one searching for answers. In the next several posts, I thought I would share some questions we have faced or are facing concerning schooling.  I'm not sharing with any agenda in mind or to try to persuade anyone to do what we have done.  Rather, I'm sharing because the schooling of our children is a personal but important decision that each family has to make.  I want to encourage you to pray about the decisions you make concerning your children, and then trust God with the outcome.  

What Love Looks Like

Love is... A hug A listening ear Eyes gazing back at me A hand held An arm around my shoulder A leg pressed next to mine A gentle touch A soft spoken word A thoughtful deed photo from  Love is... Overlooking the little faults Seeing what I desire to become Appreciating who God is making me Age enhancing allure Viewing through the lens of God A redefined beauty Thinking of the other first Putting self last Living God's plan Love is... God His example His gifts Christ in you God's gift to me A precious treasure Remembering 21 years ago today... Happy Anniversary to the Man God gave me!

A Memorial on Memorial Day

A moment froze in time. A gift from God. A memory on Memorial Day. Traveling home from visiting family, Basking in the special moments, Thanking God for blessings. Games played. Laughter enjoyed. Hugs given. My life is rich. My heart is bursting. My cup is full and spilling over. To the south A cemetery Bathed in rays of sun. A family there Remembering a loved one-- The grave bright with flowers. Their loved one gone. Mine are here. I feel a twinge of guilt. I pray they had many sweet memories Of happy times With their beloved. To the north A bank of storm clouds captures my eye. Tall towers of white cloud Illuminated on top Dark underneath. Photo from Spectacular Breathtaking Awesome From the backseat--a voice "Look at that bank of clouds!" A spontaneous burst of praise explodes from his lips. "Behold, He comes..." And my heart si

The Latest Craze at Our House

If your family wants to get started memorizing Scripture, there is a great tool available on the internet.  It is called Scripture Typer.  Three of my children invited me to join them in a group, and I've memorized 4 verses in the last two weeks.  That is good for me, but my children are memorizing whole chapters.  I am amazed at how quickly they are memorizing with the use of this tool.  And they are excited about it!   The way Scripture Typer works is first you Type It.  The program calculates your words per minute.  The second step is Memorize it.  The program gives you the verse with every other word left out.  Again you practice the verse by typing it and filling in the blanks.  Once you are able to type the verse at 80% of your original words per minute and without using any hints, then the program allows you to go on to the last step which is Master It.  Now you get to type the entire verse from memory. photo from To keep the verses fresh in y