To post or not to post

It is always hard for me to decide what to publish on my blog. I want to be real and transparent. Yet I must protect my family and especially my children. I really struggled with whether to post "What's in a Name." It was not my intent to make my son look bad. I love him with all my heart. Growing up is difficult. I remember some of those struggles myself. I'm sure I made choices and said things that were hurtful to my parents. I decided to go ahead and post because of the lesson this experience taught me. So many things I learn about myself through my children and parenting. It's as though my children's relationship with me often reflects my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I see myself in them. My second reason for posting was because when adoption is involved "identity" can be a big issue for children. They often feel like they don't "fit" in their adoptive families. They wonder what it would be like wi...