Saturday, April 5, 2014

Anticipating the Big Day

The big day is almost here.  Monday morning at 11:00 a.m. is adoption finalization at the court house.  Our family is ready.

We were blessed with tremendous workers from the foster care agencies we worked for this time around.  Our family worker from DCCCA and the children's worker from St. Francis went above and beyond the call of duty.  We are grateful to them.  DCCCA worked hard to find a match that was the right fit for our family.  St. Francis laid out a plan to accomplish all tasks needed for adoption to happen as quickly as possible. God is good!

Although we are ready for life to resume in a normal fashion, we will miss our workers.  In a sense they became a part of our family.  They cared about Baby Boy and Little Girl, who have become precious gifts in our lives.  That means a lot to us.  Without their work, we wouldn't have these children.

I will be the first one to tell you that there are a lot of things messed up in the foster care system.  Although, I will also contend that it is not completely the system's fault.  We just cannot replace the God-given family of a child by artificial means.  God's plan is always best.  However, because we live in a fallen world, families get really messed up and sometimes children need a new home and a new family.

I am thankful that there are people like Tonya and Melissa who care.  Our children needed somebody before they had us.  Foster care workers see a lot of difficult things.  It is often a thankless job.  Birth families are angry with them.  Government regulations and rules create a lot of hassle and red tape.  The children they work with associate the moving and negative life experience with them, and as a result they act out around them.  Despite the difficulties they continue working because they want to make a difference in the life of a child.

So as we anticipate Monday, it is with thankfulness for those who have been involved in our lives these past eight months.  Thank you, ladies, for making a difference!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news to be at the end of the waiting period for the adoption. How blessed these children are to have you all for their family. GOD is so good.

    PRAY all goes well tomorrow.
