To Pray

Before the New Year I began what I plan to make a series of posts about what older women in the faith have taught me.  The first post was entitled "To Love Their Husbands."

Today I want to tell you about a sweet lady who has taught me "To Pray."  Mary Jean and her husband came to the congregation where my husband serves about the same time we did fifteen years ago.  This bubbly little lady always has a smile.  Nothing seems to slow her down.  Sometimes I think she is the Energizer Bunny.  Even though she is well into retirement she continues to faithfully teach the children and ladies at church.

Mary Jean has ministered to me so many times over the years.  She's the minister to the minister's wife.  I never before had felt very comfortable praying out loud or in public.  I didn't know what to say.  But I had shared some burdens with Mary Jean and she said, "We need to get together and pray!"  As a minister's wife I didn't very well feel like I could say "no".  What would she think!  Thus began our times of praying together.

Here is what I've learned from Mary Jean:
  • Don't talk about it.  Pray about it.
  • Come before the Lord boldly and claim his promises.
  • Pray the Scripture.
  • Pray anywhere.-- Over the phone line or in an e-mail will do if need be.
  • Pray together.--  It is part of bearing each other's burdens. 
Mary Jean strives to live the verse in Philippians 4:6 which says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." 

The promise to claim in the following verse is evident in her life.  "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  (Phil.4:7)  The peace, joy, and love of God radiates from Mary Jean's life.

I'm grateful to Mary Jean for taking me under her wing and teaching me to pray.

Linking up with:
Beholding Glory


  1. Thank God for older women who come alongside of us when we're younger and teach us how to honor the Lord in so many ways. Bless this dear Mary Jean, I feel like I already know and love her so much. I'll know her in glory, that's for sure.
    Thank you for sharing these words of wisdom. Blessings, Nona

  2. This was a real encouragement for me to read. Thank you. Holly

  3. Comment I received via e-mail from Vicki. "There's nothing as precious as someone who will pray with you. Oh the comfort of a compassionate person who will come along beside us, scoop us up with love along with our doubt and pain, then boldly present us to the Father. I remember the power of receiving that kind of prayer growing up. There were times in the middle of the night I would call out, "Mom! I have a tummy ache. Come pray!" Even into my teen years I remember having my mom sit with me on my bed and we prayed aloud about all kinds of things. Now, thirty years later, when life gets the best of me, I still find myself calling, "Mom! Pray for me!" It works every time.

    And about this woman of prayer you mentioned above? I couldn't agree more, Natasha. You see, Mary Jean is indeed my mother."


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