Forming Hearts of Kindness
After yesterday's post, I thought I would share one of the methods for teaching kindness that I tried last year. Over the years I had tried numerous solutions to teach kindness. When I heard unkind words, I had the children say something kind about the person they hurt. When something mean was done, I would have them do an act of kindness for that person. If they were concerned about being first, I had them let the other person be first. I even tried having them write Ephesians 4:32 ten times after an offense. They all know how to spell every single word in that verse! I remember one of the boys at the age of nine being quite proud of the fact he could spell "compassionate." :0) However, here is the idea that came about out of sheer desperation on my part. If you are unkind to each other you will: Hold hands for 10 minutes. Get to choose one activity to do with the other. Then you will spend 20 minutes each playing with the other person in their activity. Th...