The Connection

We all want a close feeling of connection with our children.  How does that come about?  Does this natural connection only happen with birth children?  Is it possible in adoption?

A birth child is genetically like his parents.  It is remarkable how much of the time a child is the physical mirror image of one his parents.  Often times there is a natural understanding between them because of the similarities in personalities.  Another factor that figures in is the unexplainable bond a mother has with a child she carries in her womb for nine months.   Some have alluded that all this makes having the same sort of bond with an adopted child almost impossible.   I understand these sentiments, but my heart wants it to be different; and I think it can be.

Consider the Father, the Son, and us.  Jesus is God's one and only Son (Jn. 3:16).  The Father and the Son are One.  They are completely connected.  Yet that has not kept God from reaching out to us in love.  He reached out to the point of sacrificing His Son so we could be a part of His family too.  He adopted us as his children.  Does he always feel connected to us?  Probably not. Often times there is sin separating us.  Thankfully as Christians he chooses to see us through the perfection of His Son. 

But how does he feel towards us?   Romans 8:38,39 tells us, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." We have a powerful connection to the Father through the Son.  He feels for us so strongly that he won't allow anything to come between us. 

So how does this help us when it comes to bonding and adoption?  It gives us the perfect example to model our love after.  First, like God chose us, we choose our adopted children and we choose to love them.  It's not always easy.  They are not like us.  But the more time we spend together, the more we go through together, the closer we become.

Second, just as God loves us through the gift of His Son, through the power of the Son I've found we can love our children.  Jesus makes it possible just as He makes it possible for the Father to have us as His children. The connection I long for, I've found is possible through the bond of Christ.  This bond is deep, and it is real.

Image: photostock /


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