
Showing posts from March, 2012

Feeling Grumpy

This week I'm in my hibernating mood.  My great desire is to curl up on my bed with a good book and some dark chocolate. The little things bother me.  My temper is short.   I just want left alone.  What's a mom to do when she feels this way? My moods are cyclical.  However, I have to keep functioning in my role as a wife and mother.  God made me this way, yet his Word doesn't seem to allow for me to act badly because that's how I feel.  How do I cope?  What must I do to manage these emotions? 1.  Pray.  God promises to supply all I need.  He will give me the added strength.  Sometimes I forget to ask though.  God reminds me that I do not have because I did not ask. 2.  Exercise.  The last thing I want to do is exercise, but the sunshine and fresh air boosts my mood.  It also gives me the little bit of added energy I need to finish the day.  I force myself to get out and move. ...

I'm Gonna Win

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."  Heb 12:1-3 (NIV) Image: federico stevanin / I never was very good at racing. I'm not sure I ever felt the joy of victory when I was running. I was always just thankful I wasn't the last one to finish. No one really likes to lose a race. I remember racing Amber one time. She was folding washclothes and I was making supper. We were racing to see who would get done first. She was folding like crazy and was going to beat ...

Weeding the Farm

We've been gone for a few days visiting family.  It was great fun.  Now we're home and the week looms ahead of me.  Lots to do.  Laundry is piled up.  Papers need graded.  Lesson plans are still waiting to be written.  Food needs fixed.  I find myself dreading the coming day.  It's days when I feel overwhelmed that things seem to go wrong.   They soon spiral into those "horrible, awful, no good, very bad days."   As I was setting up my blog posts to run in the coming week I ran across something I wrote a couple years ago on such a day.  Reminded me to stop and take a few deep breaths, say a prayer, and then take things one at a time and do my best for the Lord and my family.  I don't need to allow any weeds opportunity to grow. So from the archives I've pulled up "Weeding the Farm" to share with you. Image: Bill Longshaw / Just need a moment to vent a little. Do you ever have one of those day...

For My Sister

Guest post from my daughter, Kaytlin:  Image: digitalart /  I know that I'm a window Letting in the Son. It's my love and it's my duty To show others what He's done. I'm a window to a world Much larger than their own. If only they will look through, Oh, then they'll understand. I need to be a window, not only to strangers and friends, but also to my sister. She looks up to me and wants to do what I do. This gives me an opportunity to shine Jesus' light. When Amber looks at me, I want her to see Jesus. I want her to look up to Him and want to be like Him. This is a prayer that I wrote when Amber was baptized. Lord, Today I would like to pray about my dear sister, Amber. Out of all the gifts that I have received, she is one of the most precious. She is full of joy and laughter. Amber is compassionate and loving. She is an answer to a prayer I used to pray every night before bed. Then, I was like her, not knowing a...

The One who Hears

 Seated beside me My sweet Amber girl Head bowed Eyes closed Earnestness creased her brow Hands folded Clasped close to her breast Praying To the one who hears "This is the confidence we have in approaching God:  that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us--whatever we ask--we know that we have what we asked of him." (I John 5:14,15) I think back remember and  give thanks Answered prayer long ago uttered from her lips "Dear Jesus, pease to stay here porever and ever.  Amen." He heard. A father to the fatherless, A defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families..." Psalm 68:5,6 He brought our girl home. May she always remember and continue to pray to the one who hears. It's been almost six years now since Amber's story unfolded. Read more of the story here: The Beginning Our Angel Girl Amber's Story Linking up with:

Money Saving Monday

This weeks money saving tips: 1.  Make your own glass cleaner.   An inexpensive bottle of glass cleaner measuring no more than a quart in size will cost you at least $2.  I make my own by mixing 50% water with 50% white distilled vinegar.  The cost is about 40 cents for a quart of homemade window cleaner.  I'll have to admit that the smell is not nearly as refreshing as Windex, but it works just as well. My spray bottle for window cleaner 2.  Use eggs as your protein in a meal.   Eggs frequently go on sale for between $1 and $1.50 per dozen.  That is less expensive then a pound of meat.  Our family often has fried egg sandwiches for lunch. This tip came from one of my readers.   She said, "There are so many things to do with eggs for lunch or supper.  Frittatas--add cheese and salsa for a Mexican dish.  Quiche--my recipe only takes 2 eggs and who doesn't like something that comes in a pie crust.  Fried Egg s...

God Gave Us You

God Gave Us You by Lisa Tawn Bergren is a sweet book that any parent wanting to explain to their child in simple words the story of their birth will want on their bookshelf.  It is a board book for ages 0-3.  The story opens with Mama Bear tucking Little Cub in for the night.  Little Cub asks, "Mama, where did I come from?"  Mama Bear then tells her their story of how "God gave us you."  The story is told from a Christian worldview and does a great job of conveying to a little one how precious they are. Mother Bear takes Little Cub back to the time when it was just papa and her.  She tells how they wanted a baby.  She shares their excitement of finding out she was growing inside her.  She continues with how Little Cub grew bigger and bigger in her tummy, how her papa talked to her, and how she prayed for her.  Then Mama Bear concludes with her birth day and how they marveled at the miracle of "incredible you." I am a strong advocate of...

Prayer for the Heart

I often pray Scripture for my children.  So many things are tugging on our children's hearts demanding their time and attention.  As a mother I often feel helpless to protect them from so much of the evil in this world.  I am doing the only thing I can do.  I'm entrusting them to God their Maker who loves and cares for them even more then I do. Image: thanunkorn / Father Above, I ask your protection for the hearts of my children.  Your Word tells us the heart is the well spring of life.  (Prov. 4:23)  Help my children to guard their hearts diligently so that they may have abundant life. The world is waging a war for their loyalties.  Give them undivided hearts completely devoted to you.  (Ps. 86:11)  Let them be changed by Christ in them, so they no longer conform to the pattern of this world.  (Rom. 12:2) A man's heart reflects the man.  (Pr. 27:19)  May their lives reflect ob...

Whose Eyes Am I Looking Through?

Image: luigi diamanti / My plan was to sleep in. I woke up at my usual time though. For awhile I tried to go back to sleep, but as my mind began to think through things I knew it would be hopeless. Thoughts about the past in the lives of our children came to mind. I began wondering how God is going to continue to redeem the hurts and sorrows in their lives. (See adoption link if you are interested in more of that story.) A verse that one of my Bible study accountability partners posted came to mind. "There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord." Proverbs 21:30 Old Testament Bible stories began tumbling through my mind. Stories about the impossible coming to pass because of God's working. The first story I thought of was during the times of the kings of Israel. Israel was being attacked by the Arameans. God, however, was frustrating the king of Aram by revealing his plans to Elisha who would warn the Kin...

He's a Mountain Mover

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."  Psalm 46:1 Image: seaskylab / My husband and I spent eight years in the Joplin area.  We attended Ozark Christian College and then my husband held a ministry in Webb City, a city adjacent to Joplin.  The devastating tornado last May was emotionally moving for us.  We still had friends in the area, so at first we wondered if they were all ok.  Then the scope of the devastation began to sink in.  Such a long road to recovery ahead for this city which was home and still tugs at our heart strings. Our church sent a work crew to Joplin shortly after the tornado.  I wanted to go but was unable due to the number of younger children at home that needed me.  So, I offered to help by baking cinnamon rolls for some of the volunteers.   I started baking the day before our crew was to leave.  By 1:00 p.m. things were progressing nicely....

This Week

My husband and I are going on a much needed get-away this week.  We had planned on going two weeks ago, but those plans were suddenly changed due to Alex developing a bad case of appendicitis.  Once a year we try to spend a couple days just enjoying each others company, relaxing, and talking.  Uninterrupted time to talk is a rare commodity around here.  I'm extremely grateful to my parents and my wonderful friend, Dinah, for taking care of things on the home front and making this trip possible for us. I'm setting up a series of posts to run this week dealing with prayer.  These are blog posts from the archives of Devoted, the devotional blog that I no longer post to.  Praying each of you are drawn closer to the Lord this week as you live your lives for Him. I will look forward to getting back next week with more money saving tips, more of our adoption story, and devotional thoughts from Ephesians.  

This House My Home

This is a poem I wrote one day several years ago when I still had toddlers. I had been on a walk and as I walked up the drive and entered our house these words came to me. The house stands tall. Its roof peak points to the heavens. Its majestic form seems to speak of treasure within. Iā€™m drawn up the long drive by an irresistible force. Thereā€™s a hand print on the door. The imprint of a face pressed to glass beckons me inside. As I open the door a smudge of dirt left by a shoe points the way. At first glance elegance meets the eye. Rich woodwork, delicate stained glass, a sparkling chandelier all boast of glorious days from years long past. But itā€™s the common things that hold my gaze. Mirrors smudged by dirty fingers. Carpet worn by small feet. Floors scratched by toys. Walls made dingy by little hands. The house comes to life for me. Laughter fills the rooms. The trample of feet resound through the hall. Blocks crash to the floor. I can almost feel young arms wrapped around m...

Word Power

"A man finds joy in giving an apt reply -- and how good is a timely word!" Proverbs 15:23 Words are powerful.  They shape lives.  Most people can think back to words that were spoken to them as children and recall the impact they had on their lives. When I was in elementary school I was told that I had my daddy's nose.  Now that isn't a bad thing, but from that day until I was well into my 20's I was self-conscious about my nose.  I thought it was too big.  Through my childish eyes, I looked at my dad's nose and thought it was quite large.  I interpreted the remark that was made to mean that I had a large nose.  All that was meant by the comment was that my nose was shaped like my dad's.  I look back now and laugh about it, but those simple harmless words formed part of my self-image. As a teenager I visited two elderly neighbor ladies.  These two ladies loved to have me visit them.    I remember showing them my...

A Penny Saved

My husband often jokes about all the little ways I save money (although he is very grateful I do).  He says I can stretch a dollar farther then anyone he knows.  The state of our countries economy is changing.  Our family is not the only one feeling the financial pinch caused by increased prices in gas and groceries.  We also are facing the loss of my husband's side job, but are grateful it's not his primary source of income we're losing.  However, we are being more careful with our pennies.  As I revive some money saving techniques I had laid aside, I thought I would share.  Perhaps they will help others. This week's money saving tips: #1 Hang laundry up to dry.   I don't like to hang laundry outside in the winter when it is cold.  It takes too long to dry, and my hands get cold.  However, I have a huge unfinished basement.  My husband has strung clothes lines for me down there.  I often partially dry a load of jeans ...