Consider it Pure Joy

I awoke with an old hymn in my heart this morning. This photo reminded me of the words, "...though sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, it is well. It is well with my soul." And I am thankful...thankful that all is well despite the storm! Photo from It is hard to even begin to describe this year for our family. Back in January, we began dealing with a rebellion with one of our sons that was difficult to understand. There were sleepless nights. There were days he didn't come home. Many were the tears. The concern and anguish ran deep. We prayed and sought God as never before. We turned to others for outside help, seeking counseling and prayers. It felt like things could not get worse, but it did in March. Another son ended up in legal trouble. We faced the difficult decision of turning him over to the authorities to be placed ...