When to Write

Photo from www.freedigitalphotos.net About a month ago, I wrote a post discussing where we are at in dealing with RAD. When I finished I was unsure about posting it. I set it up to post late in the week, so I would have time to think and pray about it. I woke up suddenly in the early morning the day it was to post realizing I still was uncertain. I felt my way through the dark to my laptop and removed the post. I filed it with my documents and thought I might use the post the next week with some revisions made to it. The next week rolled around and guess what? My computer crashed. I lost the post because I hadn't backed up my documents in the last several months. I decided this was my answer. I should not make that post. Here was my dilemma. I wanted to share in order to reach out and minister to other families dealing with this disorder. It is a difficult challenge. I've needed the encouragement from other...