
Showing posts from January, 2013

Primavera Pizza

If you are in the mood for pizza but want to try something that's just a little different, this is the recipe for you.  This is a favorite at our house.  The good part--it is packed with healthful vegetables.   2 cans refrigerated pizza crusts or make your own dough cooking spray 2 T grated parmesan Ā½ t garlic salt 4 T ranch dressing 12 oz cooked, cubed chicken breast meat 2/3 c red bell pepper, chopped 2/3 c red onion, chopped 1 c torn baby spinach 2 c Italian blend cheese 2 t pizza seasoning Place pizza dough on pizza pans. Lightly spray dough with cooking spray. Spread/divide parmesan and garlic salt over each crust. Bake 10 minutes at 400. Spread ranch dressing on each crust. Spread each crust with chicken, bell pepper, onion, spinach, cheese, and pizza seasoning.     It is a beautiful pizza!     With yummy cheese on top.  Bake 8 more minutes. Serves 6.

Guest Posting Today -- Letting Go of Our Children

I'm guest posting today at Raising Arrows .  I met Amy several years ago through our homeschool group.  I always appreciated her quiet gentle ways.  Reading her blog is what sparked my interest in blogging.  Amy just welcomed her 8th child into this world.  You'll have to read all about it in her post Introducing Baby Creed .  My husband and I laughed together over her account of their ride to the hospital. My post on her blog today is entitled Letting Go of Our Children .  

Thankful for...

Remembering to be thankful as I bring my requests before the Father.   1.  Date night with my husband. 2.  The enjoyment of working on a 1000 piece puzzle with my family in the evenings. 3.  Good conversations with my oldest son, Ryan, while he was home on Christmas break. 4.  A cup of hot tea. 5.  Hot dishwater.  It really warms a body up on a cold day. 6.  A good book. 7.  The joy of watching a little one learn his letters and numbers. 8.  A generous God who gives us everything we need for life and godliness. 9.  Singing songs with my babies in Cradle Roll on Sundays.  10.  Children old enough to hit the buckets when the stomach flu hits. 

Guest Posting today...

Today you can find me at We Are Grafted In .  It is a wonderful blog that shares posts from many Christian adoption bloggers.  If you have never visited this site, I encourage you to hop over there today and enjoy what they have to offer.

Make Your Own Glass Cleaner

I grew up cleaning windows with two simple ingredients.  For a short time after leaving home I succumbed to advertising and started buying the ready made glass cleaners.  I admit I kinda like the smell of them.  However, I quickly learned that my mom's easy to make cleaner was much more economical.    Mom's Glass Cleaner 1 part vinegar  1 part water I buy a spray bottle at the store and just keep it filled and ready to use.    Here is the cost breakdown: 1 gallon of vinegar costs about $3.00. It takes about 2 c. vinegar each time I fill my spray bottle.   1 bottle of homemade glass cleaner = about $0.40 1 bottle Windex = about $3.50 I save a little over $3.00. I think I'll pass on the nice smelling window cleaner and enjoy a dark chocolate bar instead.  :)

With Thanksgiving

I have a lot of things to bring before my Heavenly Father right now.  Burdens that need laid at his feet weight me down.  Trials that overwhelm threaten to pull me under.  But I am standing strong because God is there for me.  He is my Stronghold, my Shelter, my Strength, and my Comfort.  I will not be afraid. photo from free  I love these words from Philippians 4:6,7. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving , present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  Through this week, I've had many things to be thankful for.  God is good all the time.  He doesn't want me to forget that.  This is probably the reason he asks me to present my requests "with thanksgiving." I don't want to miss noticing a single good gift that has been given to me by my Father above...

A Spiritual Battle

It's a spiritual battle.  There's no other word for it.  Satan does not let go easily.  He fights to keep all that he can.  Our family has faced some deep challenges lately.  We feel exposed and vulnerable.  Parenting difficulties we never dreamed we would face are threatening to suffocate us.  It feels like the life is being sucked out of our souls.  This is what Satan wants us to believe.  I refuse to believe his lies though. Troy, Michael, and Amber have prayed for their birth family nearly every day for the past six years.  We have joined them in those prayers.  Troy's simple prayer each night was, "Please help them to find Jesus."  Over the past several years we have witnessed God's healing for a hurting family, and we have rejoiced.  Just this past Saturday evening we had the privilege of sharing with the children's birth mother as she accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior.  Spiritual healing has come a...