Tis the Season

Friday evening we enjoyed our traditional family decorating for Christmas.
The children all enjoy putting their favorite ornaments on the tree.
I got caught on the floor after putting on the tree skirt.  Someone should take that camera away from my husband.
This year Grandma and Grandpa joined in the fun since their apartment adjoins our house.

Putting the finishing touches on our tree.
 We headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's to do their tree.
Even Grandpa helped decorate.

Adding the finishing touches to Grandma's tree.

After decorating we had our traditional hot chocolate and cookies.  This year we had homemade gingersnaps. ( I'll share the recipe tomorrow.)

Then we wrapped the evening up by beginning our Christmas book that we've read every year since Ryan was three.  Tis the season, and I love it!


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