
Showing posts from October, 2011

Looking Like the Father

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it does not know him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope purifies himself, just as he is pure."  I John 3:1-3 Image: graur razvan ionut / As a child I couldn't imagine loving anyone more then my parents. Years later when I met my husband, I experienced new meaning for the word love. Then the day I was at the hospital holding my newborn baby for the first time, I experienced overwhelming love. As a child, wife, and mother I truly thought I understood what love was. I have to say though, I really understood very little about love. It was four years ago that God brought us three children that we adopted into our family. It ...

About Mother of Seven

 I'm joining up with Blog Bash 2011 at  Women Living Well .  It is exciting to be a part, and I'm looking forward to visiting many other blogs.  In the meantime here's a little about me, for those who come visit my blog.  Hi, I'm Natasha at Mother of Seven.   Iā€™ve been a Kansas girl most of my life.  I love the rolling hills, sunflowers, golden wheat fields, and wide open spaces.   From the time I was small my parents prayed I would follow Jesus and would find a Christian spouse.  God heard their prayers and sent me the most wonderful man to whom I've been married for nearly twenty years now.   I am the mother to seven beautiful blessings from God.  My roles of wife and mother are important, but the most important role I have is servant of Jesus.  Being his follower and servant I pray is what defines each and every role I am given in life. I started my blog in an effort to write down our families journey through...

His Forever Child

There was a game my brother, sister, and I used to play that we made up. It was called Tornado. We would sit on the street curb in front of our house and watch for tornadoes. The tornadoes were passing cars. Weā€™d pretend we couldnā€™t see them until they were about three houses away from ours. Then when the car reached that point, we would yell ā€œTornadoā€ and make a mad dash for our front porch. We had to reach the porch before the ā€œtornadoā€ passed our house. If we didnā€™t reach the shelter in time we had to die right there in our front yard. The dying was the fun part. Weā€™d get creative as we would drop to the ground, jerking and having spasms on the way down.  I remember lying on my back in the grass with my arms and legs held up stiff and straight. I think I thought thatā€™s how a dead animal looked. Now that Iā€™m older Iā€™ve often wondered what in the world those passing motorists must have thought. Those were fun days though. At some point we leave our childish games b...

Supper Menu #3

To use this plan, look over the meals.  If there is a meal you know your family will not eat, note the letter beside it.  Cross items off the grocery list with that letter beside it.  Take your printed grocery list and cross off any items you already have stocked in your pantry.  Look at the meals and decide if you need any vegetables or bread as sides.  Add those items to your grocery list.  Add your breakfast items, lunch items, and snacks, and your shopping list is complete.  Supper Menu #3 A - White BBQ Chicken B - Machetti C - Chicken nā€™ Noodles D - Sloppy Joā€™s E - Chicken Parmesan and Penne F - Green Chili Burritos Grocery List #3 Dairy A - milk B - 1/2 lb Velveeta cheese C - 8 oz sour cream E - 8 oz Mozzarella cheese E - 1 bottle grated Parmesan cheese F - butter Bread F - 1 pkg whole wheat flour tortillas D - 1 pkg Hamburger buns Meat F - 2 to 3 lb pork roast A,C,E - 12 chicken breasts B,D - 3 1/2 lbs hamburger Fresh Produce B,D...

The Great Protector

Several years ago for a homeschool field trip we had the police chief come talk to our group. I will never forget how he began because as a mother it shook me up. He held up five or six pictures of people and asked the children, "Which one of these people would you take a ride home from?"  The children immediately began pointing to different ones of the pictures and telling why they would go with that particular person. The police chief then pointed out that each one of the pictures was a convicted felon in the county jail. The children were deceived into thinking a "stranger" was a good person who could be trusted.  Appearances can be deceiving.  Truth can be disguised, and little hearts led astray easily. I John 2:18-27 is a warning to Christians to be on guard against those who would lead them away from the truth. Verses 20-22 say, "But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. I do not write to you because ...

Sister of Mine

One of my favorite pictures of us--cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Visiting in the old home we grew up in together, We have something special. Each room holds memories. Morning devotions in the living room. Afternoons in the top of the garage playing house. Evenings eating around the dining room table. Nights in the bedroom giggling with friends. Watching our children play together Brings back the memories. Now they giggle and laugh, Have afternoon tea parties, And enjoy sleep-overs. The years gone by flash through my mind. Remembering when it was us, And grateful for the past. But also treasuring what we have now. So thankful you came to visit Enjoyed walking. Loved talking, Laughing over stories about our children, Sitting in church together, And sharing meals with mom and dad. The most precious part of your visit Was the time we spent praying together. The heart revealed. The tears we shared. Love binds us together in life. Faith binds us together for eternity. You are precious ...

For the Love of God

"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world--the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does--comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever." I John 2:15-17 These are some convicting verses. John doesn't hesitate in getting right to the point. I was thinking about my life and ways that I might love the world. Are there things I crave that are not of God? Do I do things so I can boast about what I have done or what I have gained? These questions get to the heart of the matter. What is my motivation behind what I do each day? I'm realizing that my becoming absorbed in my tasks around the home can show that I'm more devoted to things of earthly importance instead of heavenly importance. How many times have I put of...

Supper Menu #2

The supper menu for Week #2 is complete.   Again the only thing I ask in exchange for using the menus is your valuable feedback of how the menu worked for you.  This will help me refine the menus and improve them.  Thanks so much.  (Some are telling me they are unable to make comments on my blog.  I've not figured out how to fix this.  Go to the "Contact Me" button and send me an e-mail if you find this to be the case for you.) To use this plan, look over the meals.  If there is a meal you know your family will not eat, note the letter beside it.  Cross items off the grocery list with that letter beside it.  Take your printed grocery list and cross off any items you already have stocked in your pantry.  Look at the meals and decide if you need any vegetables or bread as sides.  Add those items to your grocery list.  Add your breakfast items, lunch items, and snacks, and your shopping list is complete.   ...

Walk the Talk

"We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did." I John 2:3-6 Image: sundayhill / This passage of Scripture reminds me of something my mother-in-law used to tell her children when they left the house. She often said, "Remember who you are." Those simple words contain a lot of meaning. She was possibly saying, "Don't forget to act in a way that represents our family well," "Remember all I've taught you," "Please don't embarrass me," or "Act like a Christian." My actions reveal my true character. Actions tell others who I am. No one in my life sees this better than my childr...

My Defender

"My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense--Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world." I John 2:1-2 Image: digitalart / I often marvel at how my children can fight with each other and be mean and hateful to each other, but then if someone outside the family picks on one them they will defend each other to the point of throwing punches at the offending party.  Brothers and sisters are quick to defend each other. As a mother I'm the same way with my children.  I can talk about struggles with my children and the problems they cause.  However, don't let anyone else criticize my children.  I understand what makes them tick.  I understand things from their past that might have prompted the bad behavior.  I have insight into their ...

Supper Menu #1

Here is the first week of supper menus.  I only plan six meals a week because we often do not have supper on Sunday evening.  We just snack or eat leftovers after a big meal at mom's for lunch.  I left the menu that way for my blog because most families eat out or are away from home at least one evening a week.  To use this plan, look over the meals.  If there is a meal you know your family will not eat, note the letter beside it.  Cross items off the grocery list with that letter beside it.  Take your printed grocery list and cross off any items you already have stocked in your pantry.  Look at the meals and decide if you need any vegetables or bread as sides.  Add those items to your grocery list.  Add your breakfast items, lunch items, and snacks, and your shopping list is complete.   Supper Menu #1 A - Chicken Pesto Wraps B - Poppy Seed Chicken C - Soft Tacos D - Taco Soup E - Spanish Rice F - Forget It Pot Roast G...