With a new school year starting, I've been getting organized to make life run a little more smoothly. Part of the organization is to assign daily chores. It took me several years to come up with a good system that worked for our family. Each child has a chore card for each day of the week. The daily chores are written out on each card. These chores are the same week after week. I change the chores about once a year. I change it up so they can learn to do a new task, but I don't change it frequently because it takes more time and effort on my part to teach the new child the responsibility. The Chore Cards. The child's name is written on one side. The other side lists the day and its chores. It doesn't take long before the children have their chores memorized. The cards just become a reference point for mom when she sees something isn't getting done. The Chore Card filing system. Each child has a slot to keep...