
Showing posts from July, 2011

Hot Chocolate for Couples

A couple years ago I purchased the book Hot Chocolate for Couples by Cindy Sigler Dagnan.  After I had read the book, my husband told me, "I don't know what was in that book you read, but I sure like it." As I sat down today to write a book review on the book, I once again became enthralled and wrapped up in the content of the book.  It is written in an easy-to-read and easy-to-relate-to style.  I soon forgot my original mission and had been reading for almost an hour.  Oops! Cindy sums up the content of her book best at the end of chapter one.  "This is a book about learning the practical tools of relationships so that we will learn with our head what ought to exist in our heart; it's a book about working at our marriages, but not so much that we forget to have fun and breathe creativity, kindness, generosity, and adventure into them.  By doing this, we will experience the joy of committed love, of knowing that sweet times are often just over the hed...

My Delight

Monday I spent a delightful day with my oldest daughter.  While driving in the car our discussion turned to spiritual matters.  As Kayt shared her heart with me, I was touched.  I wouldn't have traded our time together for anything.  Listening to her thoughts, watching her expressions, and being touched by her gentle spirit brought me joy.  As I think back on our day, I wonder if the way I felt could be how God feels when I take time to talk to him or spend the day with him.  Does he delight over the things I share?  Does he feel pride when I show evidence of grasping spiritual issues?  Does he just sit back and enjoy the sound of my voice?  When he sees his character becoming a part of my life, does he have a sense of pride?  Does he think, "That's my child!"?  "The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."...

Making Fresh Salsa

Right now my house smells like salsa.  I have a big pot cooking down on the stove.  In a couple hours I'll be putting it in jars and canning it up for winter.  However, we've discovered this year that we really love fresh salsa.  So rather then opening jars of canned salsa while the tomatoes are abundant, I just quickly throw this recipe together.  Thought I would share it.  Next week I'll share my home canned salsa recipe. ( I have to admit writing these recipes down is a little hard for me.  I'm one these people who just throws stuff together.  So feel free to adjust the recipe to suit your taste.)   Hot Garden Salsa 6 large tomatoes, peeled and chopped 1 lg. onion, chopped 2 green peppers, chopped 2 garlic cloves, squeezed in a garlic press or chopped fine 5 cayenne peppers, finely chopped (can use other hot peppers) 2 T. fresh cilantro, finely chopped (or 1 tsp. dried) 1 tsp. salt Place tomatoes in boiling water for 30-45 ...

Adoption and Attachment

We have many friends who have adopted.  From time to time I want to share some of their stories.  Encouragement can be found through common experiences.  For me it helps to know that we are not in this alone. The following is from a fellow classmate at Ozark Christian College.  Her family has been involved in oversees adoption.  For the protection of their privacy I will not share their name or pictures, but I hope you will read their thoughts and experiences with attachment in adoption.                       Attachment in Adoption We didnā€™t think attachment, or rather the lack thereof, could happen to us! Our first two children were adopted from a wonderful, loving orphanage where there was no shortage of food or workers, and our babies were held and cuddled at every meal and played with in between meals. Our daughter, just days after her birt...

Fresh Tomato and Cucumber Salad

 Garden produce is keeping me busy.  This week I thought I would share a favorite easy recipe using the tomatoes and cucumbers that are plentiful right now.  This is delicious and refreshing.  My kids even love it. Tomato and Cucumber Salad 2 cucumbers, chopped in bite size pieces 3 large tomatoes, chopped in bite size pieces 2 T. red wine vinegar 1 t. basil 1 t. salt Combine all ingredients.  Serve salad immediately or chill and serve later.  If you serve later you will want to serve with a slotted spoon to keep extra juice off your plate.  Our family fights over who gets to drink the juice once the tomatoes and cucumbers are gone.  Note:  You can vary the ingredients to suit your taste.  My kids like a few more cucumbers thrown in.

Full Speed Ahead

Dear Troy, I know it's a few days late, but I still wanted to get your birthday letter written.  After all, it's a special birthday--your 13th.  You were officially a teenager on July 14.    Just five years ago you came to us at nearly eight years old.  You came as a cute freckle faced package bursting with action.  As soon as we pulled into the drive you barreled out of the van, jumped on a ten speed bike, and took off.  Of course, the bike was too big and you had to stop with a crash.  That's how you approach life--full speed ahead. June 2006 We've been on a journey together.  Our first year was tough.  You had been hurt so much in life, and you were afraid to love or accept love.  Do you remember telling me, "I don't want you to love me?"  How I wanted to just take you in my arms and hold you then, but you wouldn't let me.  Over time your defenses slowly crumbled, and you allowed us in.  We are so glad ...


Due to the 4th, I'm off my normal posting schedule.  I will resume next week. Today I'm linking to Devoted to share some thoughts on submission.  In order to be the mother God wants me to be to my children, I have to be the wife God wants me to be.  That is easier said then done.  So come on over to  and see if you can relate.