Hot Chocolate for Couples

A couple years ago I purchased the book Hot Chocolate for Couples by Cindy Sigler Dagnan. After I had read the book, my husband told me, "I don't know what was in that book you read, but I sure like it." As I sat down today to write a book review on the book, I once again became enthralled and wrapped up in the content of the book. It is written in an easy-to-read and easy-to-relate-to style. I soon forgot my original mission and had been reading for almost an hour. Oops! Cindy sums up the content of her book best at the end of chapter one. "This is a book about learning the practical tools of relationships so that we will learn with our head what ought to exist in our heart; it's a book about working at our marriages, but not so much that we forget to have fun and breathe creativity, kindness, generosity, and adventure into them. By doing this, we will experience the joy of committed love, of knowing that sweet times are often just over the hed...