Everything is Ready

Our daughter had a wonderful wedding day surrounded by many, many friends. So, I don't want anyone to take this post wrong. However, God placed this on my heart the evening after the wedding, and it has changed my perspective and maybe just maybe helped me see the heart of God better. After a beautiful wedding on Saturday, I lay in bed reflecting. I began to realize there were people missing that had been invited. Some disappointment seeped in. How much I had wanted to share the day with them. Even though many had not RSVP'd I had hoped it was an oversight and had made sure we had more then enough food. There were a few moments of sadness that I had not had the opportunity to share this special day and now a memory together with them. However, I understood the demands of life. I myself have missed important events in the lives of my own family and close friends. Then this hit me... "At the time of the banquet he sent his s...