My Chains Are Gone

Amber's favorite Bible story always has been Paul and Silas. She loved to hear her daddy read the story because he did it with all the dramatic effects. They would sing and pray while in prison, and the whole bed would shake during the earthquake. Then Amber would want him to read the story again. As I reflect back on Amber's life I realize how much she has lived this story. She had been chained by fear for years...imprisoned in a cell with no bars. When she was just three years old, I would wake up at night to hear her singing "Jesus Loves Me" in a quavering voice. She would feel alone, sad, and trapped. She sang to the one who loved her. She had many a sleepless night, but she talked to God. As an older child when her heart was troubled she spent hours outside on her scooter listening to Christian music and singing to God. Singing and Praying while in prison. We experienced an earthquake last year, but it freed ...