Happy Birthday, Kaytlin!

Dear Kaytlin, Nineteen years ago I awoke in the early morning on a day somewhat like today. It was a bitter cold outside. I was uncomfortable and couldn't sleep. I remember your dad got up with me and distracted me from contractions that were 7-8 minutes apart. We played solitaire on our new computer. After awhile I grew restless and so I made sure my bag was ready for the hospital and did some things around the house. I was pretty sure I was in labor, but I wasn't in pain. I finally called the hospital when the contractions were about five minutes apart. They advised me to do some walking for 30 minutes and then if the contractions were closer after that to come on in. So I went next door to the church and walked around the auditorium. My contractions did get closer together, but it sure didn't feel anything like my first labor. I decided to rest on the couch and play with your brother, Ryan, for a bit. At about noon I sud...