Words from Kayt

Our daughter, Kaytlin, has always been expressive with her words. Thought I would share some of her classic quotes from early childhood. After sleeping in the car one day and having drooled, "Mom, my cheek is leaking." age 4 The more kosher way she came up with to describe having gas. "I have bottom bubbles." age 4 About eating a food she wasn't sure of, "Eating lasagna is like eating slugs with sauce on them." age 5 Kayt at age 4. Kaytlin continues to delight us with her descriptive language. Now she's 16, and practices her writing skills on her own blog. I know she would love to have visitors. Her blog is entitled We are Windows . Sometime when you have a chance, you might drop over and visit her. I know she would love to have you. Our dreamy, Kayt. Always imagining a new story.