Taking Time

Time passes so quickly.  I always thought there would be time to get nice memory books made for each of the children.  Suddenly I realize I have one who's a senior and the last year I've completed in his book was 2nd grade. So I've begun the tedious job of sorting through the photos on my computer.

It's been fun to refresh my memories as I've looked at the pictures.  There are lots of pictures of school field trips and activities.  I'm realizing these times are highlights in my children's lives.  Sadly though I also have realized that the fun activities are something I've let go in the busy rush of life.  So as I'm starting a new school year, I'm committing myself to take some time for fun learning activities.

Today Amber, Cory, and Michael were learning about the cell in science class.  We made a fun model of a cell using lemon gelatin, a grape, and a plastic bag.  And you know, it really didn't take much time, and the kids were thrilled with the outcome.

Cory with his cell model and cell diagram.

Cory's work.

Amber's cell model.

Amber's cell drawing.
 Taking time for the little things in life are important.  Taking time to listen, taking time to look them in the eye, taking time to play, taking time to laugh, and taking time to learn together are the things they will remember.  They are the things I will remember.  I must work to create the moments, or the moments will be gone.

Take time today!

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