And I give thanks

In the early morning dark I sit with coffee cradled warm within my hands. My gratitude journal lays open beside me. I've been on a journey. A journey to a life more filled with joy and gratitude. Each day I start by trying to give thanks...especially for the little things, the overlooked things. Some days I do better then others. Lists long. Lists short fill the entries. I realize how much easier it has become to count, to praise, to thank. God is opening my eyes to his ever present presence. Gratefulness for His goodness just this past weekend overwhelms me. All the gifts... Children eager in the backseat asking every 10 minutes, "How much longer?" Looking forward to an overnight stay with big sister, Kayt, and her husband, Sam. Staying up past bedtime, playing games, cooking, and visiting the pumpkin patch all the things they look forward to. Anticipation builds durin...