The Craving of My Soul

I want to be sought after. Pursue me I want to be loved. Spend time with me I want to be heard. Listen to me RELATIONSHIP I want relationship, fellowship, communion. It is the craving of my soul. It was there. In the Garden long ago. God loved his creation. He desired to spend time with them. He sought them out. He talked with them in the cool of the day. It was a time of holy communion. It was sweet fellowship. It was the relationship that God desired. RELATIONSHIP It was the intent of their God. It was the reason man was created. But it was broken. The relationship. The fellowship. The sweet communion. SIN It severed. It destroyed. It killed. And this is the struggle of life. A craving for relationship. And sin that separates. Sin that tells me lies. Sin that whispers, "You will not surely die." Instead of chasing my Maker. Instead of filling up on Him. I fill my belly with forbidden fruit... Relationships Possessions Entertainment Mon...