A Forgiving Heart in the Impossible

I have struggled the past six years. The struggle has been with forgiveness. I want to think I have forgiven, but it comes back to haunt me over and over. Deep hurt and pain do not go away overnight. Betrayal changed me. The "open armed" love that I had embraced life with was replaced with fear of being hurt again. Depression and anxiety became my companions. How to forgive became the question? Or was it how to keep forgiving when new wounds were exposed? How to keep forgiving when the old wounds festered and broke open? How to forgive when the one who has wronged me does not seek forgiveness? Loving broken children is never easy. However, I still truly believe every child deserves love and a chance at a better life. Our on-going struggle with Troy who was nearly eight when he came to us was no secret. He was severely wounded. We prayed. We enlisted many to pray with us. We loved with all we had....