For Those Who Are Praying

I have had many friends express their concern and love for our family throughout this year. In fact, I have a stack of cards sitting on my desk right now to which I'd like to respond personally because each one came at a time when the love and words were desperately needed. I feel bad because I have not been able to do so. Thus I am blogging in an attempt to answer my many friends who have been concerned about how I am doing. Emotionally, I have good moments and bad moments, good days and bad days, good weeks and bad weeks. At times I feel like I am doing well, and then I find myself struggling. So I may tell you I am good, and I probably am in that moment. However, I can be crying in the next moment. Sometimes I can talk about it and even need to talk about it. Sometimes it hurts too bad to talk. My husband sent me to a counselor who ordered me to take care of myself. She said I needed to refill my cup which has been drai...