Fearful Days

Fear. A force that often controls our actions. Little Girl has an intense fear. It is the fear that she will be taken from her family. It is understandable. Each month when her case worker comes to visit, we face this challenge. It took me awhile to catch on to what was going on, but I finally realized a pattern of negative behaviors was associated with each visit. One month she was acting up and the case worker said to her, "That isn't very nice." She promptly replied, "I'm listening to the serpent." That took me aback. I had to explain that we had read about Adam and Eve in the garden and how the serpent had tempted Eve. The case worker chuckled and the visit went on. The next month she was a drama queen, crying and hiding in my lap. Nothing seemed to calm her. The case worker commented that she tends to bring out the worst in the kids she manages. In December we met the worker at Baby Boy's appoin...