Three Months
We have slipped past what could be called the "honeymoon" period with Baby Boy and Little Girl. The children are feeling comfortable which basically means all their true colors are coming out. We haven't run into anything more then what you would expect for children their age. Baby Boy has become more persistent in getting into things. The pack n' play has been set up downstairs, so that he can spend some time there from time to time. Our older children affectionately call it "baby jail." His protests have also become much louder in volume. The restrictions in foster care for disciplining are frustrating at this point. Baby Boy likes to reach up on the counter or even towards my stove top. I am concerned for his safety. Due to regulations, I can only use diversion, distraction, and removal. Little Girl is now trying out defiance with firm usage of the word "No" and full-blown temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way. Th...