So I haven't been blogging as much lately. There is a reason. I've resolved to make some lifestyle changes. The primary change is to become more physically active. My mostly sedentary lifestyle was catching up with me. It would seem with so many children to care for, I wouldn't have developed this bad habit. However, as they grew older, I found more time to sit. I sat when I taught school. When there are a few extra minutes in the day, I sat down and checked my e-mail or Facebook. In the evening, I was tired, so I sat and blogged and played on my computer. I relaxed by sitting and reading a book or watching a movie. Honestly, I sat whenever I had a chance. What happened? I was out of shape. My energy was lacking. I didn't feel the best, and I had put on about ten extra pounds. Fortunately, God blessed me with a fast metabolism, or I might have been in far worse shape. However, I realized I was ...