Monday, July 9, 2012

A Servant's Heart - Study Guide

I've been sharing lessons on the heart with a group of ladies from our church.  Perhaps you would be interested in following along.  Today I'm going to post the study guide for the lesson on the Servant's Heart.  I will post that lesson on Wednesday.  I invite you to work through the study guide or perhaps even use it for a woman's Bible study of your own.  Christ offered his salvation freely to me, and I freely offer these to you for use in spreading the good news.  I just ask that you do not take the material and use it for your own personal gain.  It is copyrighted through my blog.  (Note:  I will be back with Money Saving Monday next week.) 

Jesus is our prime example of servanthood.  A close look at his life will teach us all about having a servant's heart.

Who did Jesus serve? How did Jesus serve? (Just a few examples.)

Mark 1:29-34

Mark 7:24-30

Mark 8:1-8

Mark 10:13-16

John 8:3-11; Luke 7:36-48

When did Jesus serve?

John 4:6

Luke 4:40

Luke 4:42

Where did Jesus serve?

Think of the various place where you remember Jesus doing his work and write them down.

Why did Jesus serve? (See Mark 10:45; Luke 19:10; John 12:32)

Mark 10:35-45

What did James and John ask of Jesus?

What did Jesus tell the disciples they needed to do in order to become great?

Why did Jesus come?

Philippians 2:1-18
What was the attitude of Jesus?

What then did God do for him?

How can I have an attitude like Jesus?

Paul found joy in serving God, and he expected the Philippians to find joy in their service as well (see v. 17,18).

The secret to JOY is service to God.
Jesus first.
Others second.
Yourself last.

To exercise our spiritual hearts this week:
Make a JOY bag for your home. Each day try to write down something to put in the JOY bag that you did to put Jesus and Others before yourself.

Remember when you serve others, you are serving Christ. (See Matthew 25:31-46.)

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