
Showing posts from February, 2021

For My Love

Walking together, holding hands.   Laughing, talking, enjoying the idea of love.   Our simple beginning. Someone to dream with.   To start a family with.   To serve God with.   You were the answer to my prayers.   The answer to my parent's prayers.   God's gift to me, immeasurably more than I could ever ask or imagine. We've held our babies. Watched them grow. Given them to God, given them to another to love. You have wept with me and wiped my tears. You have been my rock when the world around me crumbled. You have held me tight when sorrow threatened all I knew. You have encouraged me to reach for my dreams. You made me a wife and mother. Made those without family our own.  You believe in me though you know my weaknesses. You want me to still dream, still pursue my passions. You desire for me to be all God wants me to be. I don't deserve all that you have given me. All that God has given me in you. But I'm grateful for the beautiful gift of you. God gave me a man a

Favoritism (Lesson Worksheet)

Read James 2:1-4. What command are we given in verse 1? Define partiality or favoritism. What was happening when the Christians were gathering together? (2-4) What are some ways this same thing happens today in the church? How does showing favor to one over another make one a judge with evil thoughts or motives? (v. 4) In Luke 6:20 and Mt. 5:3 we learn that God chose the poor to be rich in faith, and also that the poor will receive the kingdom of God. Does this mean all poor will be in heaven or that there won’t be any rich in heaven? Why or why not? For further clarification... Read Mt. 19:23-26. What is easier for a camel then for a rich man? Can a rich man be saved? Read James 1:9-11. What do poor believers have to be able to take pride in? What should the rich believers boast about? Why should the rich boast only in what they have in Christ? Read James 2:5-7. Who did God honor? (v. 5) Yet who is it that these Christians were dishonoring? (v. 6)

Fire Prevention (Lesson Worksheet)

A Lesson on the Tongue from James The tongue is often the tool we use to give vent to our anger. Read James 1:19-21. What are we to be quick to do? (v. 19) What are we to be slow to do? (v. 19) Why are we to be slow to become angry? (v. 20) What kinds of words are we to use when we do speak? (See Prov. 15:1) How many words should we use when we are angry or any other time? (See Prov. 10:19) “ When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, But he who restrains his lips is wise.” Proverbs 10:19 (NASB) Is anger a sin? Why or why not? (See Ephesians 4:26-27) What are some examples of righteous anger? (For a Biblical example see John 2:13-16) What are we to get rid of in our lives? (v. 21) What are we to humbly accept? (v. 21) Think about a garden. In order for the plants to grow and thrive, we have to get out the rocks, we have to pull the weeds, we have to loosen the soil, and we have to water the ground. How can we use this as a picture of our C