Wisdom: Help, I need it!

HOW TO GAIN WISDOM Read James 1:5-8 What is God’s attitude in giving wisdom? (v. 5) In what manner should we go about asking for wisdom? (v. 6) Why are we told to ask for wisdom believing he will give it? (v. 6-8) What is the anchor for our souls that keeps us from being tossed like the sea? (See Hebrews 6:17-20) HOW THE WISE WALK...IN HUMILITY Read James 3:13-18. If one is wise and understanding of God’s ways, how does he live? (v. 13) Who in the Bible is described as humble and gentle? (See Matthew 11:29) Why does wisdom require humility? How does bitter envy and selfish ambition contrast with humility? (v. 14-17) What is boasting? What does boasting tend to cover up? (v. 14) Contrast earthly wisdom with heavenly wisdom. What do the attributes listed under Heavenly Wisdom remind you of? (See Gal. 5:22-23; Mt. 5:3-12) HOW LIFE LOOKS WITHOUT WISDOM Read James 4:1-3. These verses follow directly on the heals of 3:17-18...