To Worship

Worship. That was the answer he gave me. I was struggling in a relationship. I had done all I could. Nothing else was left to do, and things were still awry. Turning to a godly mentor, I expected to hear a tangible list of options. His answer was "worship." I was taken aback. However, I had nothing else I could do. So I focused on worship....Worship of the one and only Creator...Worship of the Almighty and All-powerful God...Worship of the One who holds all things in his hands. In that time I discovered that I had become wrapped up in self. I was focused on my human abilities to fix a problem. I had lost sight of God. Worship didn't fix the human relationship where I was struggling. However, worship righted my relationship with God that had become out of focus amidst the strain of human struggle. Much of the Old Testament is focused around worship, I realize. The Israelites either worshipped God or they worshipped idols. I often shake my head at th...