My Battle with Depression

"Your Mom is not the same person she was," I overheard my husband explain to one of our boys. Our son wistfully replies, "I hope she gets better soon." My tears flowed. I was not sure I would ever be better. How does a broken heart heal? How is one ever the same after they are broken? Each day I rose early. In the stillness of the morning, I sought strength from above. I never wanted to leave the quiet. I wanted to stay here reading His Word and praying. But...children awoke, meals needed fixed, laundry begged washing, and somehow I walked through each day. However, I lived angry inside...angry that my solitude had been disturbed. The reality of my life was depression. A depression that would not loosen its grip. It took me a long time to acknowledge it though. Over a year before my medical doctor had suggested to me that I take an anti-depressant. I had gone in for unexplained aching and fatigue in my body. ...