A Tender Heart

I was working in the kitchen when eight year old, Avarie, came running inside and grabbed me around the waist. Her arms held tight as big tears rolled down her face and she sobbed, "Mommy, I did something really evil." I don't connect the word "evil" with a child. So I laughed softly to myself and hugged her tightly. I told her that she probably needed to talk to God about it. Then I disengaged her arms to stir the hamburger browning on the stove top. She insistently pulled me by the arm and said, "Come on, mommy, we have to talk about this." She wanted to be alone where no one could hear. Because I had food cooking, I sent everyone out of the kitchen and asked her to explain to me what she had done. It took some time, but she finally started explaining the whole upsetting situation. She had been outside playing when a squirrel started to cross the road. However, a car was coming and our animal loving daughter was worried it w...