Moving past grief

Last year at this time we had placed one of our boys in a boarding school. Another of our sons had chosen to leave us and return to his birth family. Though we had not experienced death, we were mourning the loss of two children. Our hearts were torn apart by sorrow that seemed to never end. It was a longing to hold them in my arms one more time. It was a giving up of hopes and dreams. It was an ache that went on and on. When life has does one live in the new normal? A year later, I still don't have all the answers. I can tell you the things that helped me the most. Let yourself grieve . Our family counselor and a good friend both told me I needed to let myself grieve. I didn't have to be strong. That was freeing for me. And I did grieve. Some days all I could do was cry. Even now as I write this, tears surface. I don't cry as often now. Most weeks are good. However, there are sti...