Our Great Physician

It was a year ago our world was turned upside down. Life as we knew it would never be the same. I picked up my prayer journal today and read from January 20, 2015. "My heart is broken. It feels like a knife is plunged into it and then it just keeps turning and cutting, slowly draining the life out. Lord, I need your healing. Hold me in your arms. Wipe away my tears. You are the Great Healer. You can fix things that are beyond broken..." That was the beginning of last year. I had no idea the pain that would follow. The tears would keep coming. When I thought there could be no greater heartache, there was more. One event followed another. We lived in the reality of "hurting people hurt people." I did not understand the ramifications of that prayer for healing, or the pain that it would put our family through. In retrospect I understand now that only He knew what could bring about true healing. What I tho...