God's Faithfulness through Brokeness

The past four months have been the hardest in our lives. A couple of our boys are going through what we hope and pray is only a season of rebellion and finding themselves. I cannot share the depths of our pain or theirs, because I respect the privacy of our children. However, I can testify to what God has done when our world has been broken and shattered. God has walked beside me each step of the way . I realize more fully what Christ has done for me. The agony of the cross became real. Suffering because of sin brought me to my knees. And I am grateful not to be alone. I do not travel a path where he has not been. God has shown me the way to find peace is through praising Him . In the dark of the night, when sleep would not come I would read in the Psalms and cry out to the Lord along with David. I noticed David often turned to praising God. When I did the same quietly singing praise songs to God, peace would come to my sou...