Do Not Worry

A little comment from my husband, "I think we are falling behind on the budget." A trip to the grocery store. The price of milk up to $4.50 a gallon. I can't afford the hamburger at over $4.00 a pound. I opt for chicken. It is time to fill up the tank on the van. Well over $100 is guzzled by that hungry beast. My husband makes the hard choice to skip one of Troy's football games to save a little gas money. I see the college bills. Yikes! Thankful for responsible children who are working hard to pay their own way, but I sure would like to be able to help out more. Then it happens. I start to worry. I know I shouldn't. God has always taken care of us. I persist in my worry. Fretting and even complaining. I didn't deserve grace. God gave it anyway, just like he did for those Israelites wandering in the desert so many years ago. A friend stopped by out of the blue. She said, "I ...