From Dependence to Dependence

This is the graduation speech that Ryan delivered to his graduating class a year ago. If any of you know our son, he is shy, reserved, and quiet. Yet he stood up there in front of several hundred and delivered this speech. It became utterly still in that gymnasium when he began talking about God at the end of his speech. As his mother, I cried. God was taking my boy and making a man out of him. Isn't that what parenting is all about? We have to trust God with our feeble human efforts, and He then does His work. From Dependence to Dependence Graduation June of 2012 by Ryan Miller Today, the lines that have connected us to our parents are diminishing. We will no longer be completely reliant on our parents or guardians, but rather increasingly independent. I know that I and my fellow students have worked long and hard for this moment. It makes me tremble to think that we finally made it. For that reason, let me cut to the point. P...