The Aftermath of Easter

Worship this past Easter Sunday brought tears.  They were tears of gratefulness for all God has done for me.  They were tears of longing for the coming of Jesus and the final resurrection.  They were tears of joy for the hope that we have through the resurrection of our Savior.  They were even tears of pain being released....pain that is the result of hardship and suffering in this world.

This morning I read about the suffering we are called to in Christ.

"But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed."  I Peter 4:13

My heart is full as I realize that yesterday was just a taste of that glory that will someday be revealed to us.  A small taste of glory...that my soul deeply longs for.

The past four years have been difficult for me.  I have watched one son walk away from his family and his faith.  I've watched another son struggle with deep dark depression, and I've suffered from depression myself.  I've watched and held hurting girls who have faced pain I never wanted for them.  I've watched another son struggle with the pull of the world and its ways.  And I still watch.  It's not easy.  This morning, however, I was convicted by the Word.

"However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name."  I Peter 4:16

I don't think I've ever praised God for this gift he has given me.  I don't think I've ever thanked him that he counted me worthy to suffer for him.  I made it all about me.  I saw God's refining process at work in my life.  My Savior became so dear to me through all this.  He drew me close like never before.  But that was still all about me.

God calls us as Christians to care for the orphans.  Our family responded to that call.  God chose us to be a vessel, his vessel, of love to hurting children.  Somewhere in there I lost my focus though.  I blamed myself for what had gone awry.  I wondered what I could have done different.  I certainly didn't love perfectly.  However, God's love never is wasted.  It is the evil in this world and human nature that has gone awry.

My heart cries out, "Oh Lord, forgive me for making this about me.  It's been about you all along.  You chose me to suffer for your name's sake.  Christ was your vessel of love to a hurting world.  You gave me the gift of "Christ in me" so that Christ's love could continue to be poured out.  Thank you, Lord, that you counted me worthy to bear your name.  Thank you that you counted me worthy to suffer for you."

I can't imagine the final day of glory when our Jesus comes again.  If a simple taste of worship and longing on Easter Sunday fills my heart full and overflowing, what will heaven with my Savior be like?

However, this brings up a question.  How then should I live until then?  I Peter 4:19 gives the answer.

"So then, those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good."

May I live a life committed to Him who counted me worthy to send His son to die for.  May I have the strength and courage to continue to do the good he has called me to do.

Each day of my life is lived in the aftermath of Easter.

"To him be the glory and the honor and the power forever.  Amen."


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