Sunday, December 9, 2018

How Can I Pray for You

I looked across the table at my oldest three children still at home, and concern filled my heart.

Each morning at breakfast we read a short Bible passage together, discuss it, and pray.  It only takes fifteen minutes.  One child drifts off to sleep, another stares at the clock as if waiting for it to be over, and another is petting the dog.  They are not engaged.  It's the daily morning routine.  It's the waiting for Dad to quit rambling so we can get on with the day.

I desperately long for them to begin finding delight in His Word.  I want them to look forward to our family worship time together.  However, I remember growing up and family devotions with my dad.  I can't say my attitude was much different then theirs.  Fortunately, I was blessed with a dad who persisted despite my attitude.  It taught me what was most important.  It taught me how to prioritize time with God.  It showed me the way.

I sat there praying for our teenagers.  I asked God to help open their hearts to His Word. This life is hard.  They needed these words.

As he often does, my husband asked me to pray as he finished.

A desire to connect... A stirring in my spirit...And a simple question came out.

"How can I pray for you?"

There was an awkward silence.  Two stared at me.  One opened his eyes and then closed them again.  Then our nine year old who always has something to say pipes up and asks if I would pray that God would help her not be distracted during school.  The youngest mentions praying for him to obey.  Then I look at the older children again.  They are hoping I will go on and start praying.  I pointedly ask first one and then the other.  Grudgingly I get a few answers. "Well, you could pray about this class I have.  I'm not learning anything in there."  "Pray I can resist temptation to get on games during school time."  One child refuses to answer.

So I pray.

That evening after school, I asked each one about their day.   One was excited because God had answered my prayer, and she had a great day in the class she usually dreaded.  Another said he did pretty good, but that it was hard to resist temptation.  He moved the location of his computer, and it had helped.  We had meaningful conversation.  That was two weeks ago.

I've always prayed for my children.  Privately I have brought the deep spiritual concerns before God, and I often prayed for them openly each day at the dinner table.  However, I hadn't engaged them in the process before. 

I've continued to ask the children each morning how I can pray for them.  They are quicker now to give me an answer.  Some of the things they ask have surprised me.  There is a depth in their spiritual lives I was unaware of.  God is creating a spiritual connection with our children that we were lacking.  I see healing and growth.

I am praising God, and I am grateful for the Spirit and his prompting to ask one simple question.  "How can I pray for you?"  


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it!! Such a good idea. We all sure do need PRAYER in this day and hour.

    Charlotte Moore
